When it comes to safety and security on the internet a VPN is an absolute necessity. That’s why we recommend a high quality and reputable VPN provider like PIA. Private Internet Access® is the only proven no-log VPN service that encrypts your connection and provides an anonymous IP to protect your privacy.

Why do I need Private Internet Access?

Protect your online privacy and identity

Browse anonymously with a private IP, and enable strong encryption to protect yourself from your ISP and public Wi-Fi networks. Protect your browsing history, purchases, banking info, and communications from malicious hackers with state of the art encryption.

Unblock Censorship Filters

Enjoy unrestricted access with an anonymous VPN network. Unlock any geographic restrictions and protocol filters. Whether you’re browsing or streaming, Private Internet Access will deliver. Your ISP (internet service provider) could be blocking certain websites or throttling (slow) your connection to some sites to deter you from using competitive sites or services.

The World’s Leading VPN

Private Internet Access has the largest network capacity across the globe to provide the highest speeds and most encryption. Private Internet Access is the only proven no-log VPN service in the world.

So lets get started!

First install the app. You can find the app in any app store by searching for PIA or you can use our FileLinked store to download to your android device.

Make sure your VPN Kill Switch is turned on and then go to settings.

set killswitch

Understanding TCP vs UDP

For most applications UDP is preferred for faster connection speeds but the difference in speed between the two is minimal.

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a connection-oriented protocol that computers use to communicate over the internet. It is one of the main protocols in TCP/IP networks. TCP provides error-checking and guarantees delivery of data and that packets will be delivered in the order they were sent.

User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a connection-less protocol that works just like TCP but assumes that error-checking and recovery services are not required. Instead, UDP continuously sends data-grams to the recipient whether they receive them or not.

For most streaming users the data loss using UDP will never be noticed but it is possible on rare occasions when streaming video this may lead to skipped frames or temporary sound loss for a second. But like I said most streaming users will never notice the difference between the two.

Block Local Network

This option its to protect you from unsafe connections in the local network when your using the vpn, because a vpn, its like a local network, in the moment youre connected, youre inside with more computers in the network, so, this option is very good, to block all unsafe incoming connections from other computers to your device especially when using public WiFi.

Data Encryption

AES-GCM is a more secure cipher than AES-CBC, because AES-CBC, operates by XOR’ing (eXclusive OR) each block with the previous block and cannot be written in parallel. … AES-GCM is written in parallel which means throughput is significantly higher than AES-CBC by lowering encryption overheads.

So which one do I select?

Streaming: 128-CBC

Shopping and using public wifi: 256-GCM

Next turn on these three settings to ensure you automatically connect and stay connected to the VPN network.

1-click connect

Connect on boot

Connect on app update

Set your favorite servers for the fastest connection. Always select the closest server to your region for faster connections but if you want to unblock regional restrictions you may need to select servers from other countries. For most streaming applications your closest server is what you want to choose.

favorite menu

Now we can setup the per app settings. If you subscribe to Netflix or Amazon Prime or Disney+ you will want to unlock these as they do block VPN connections to their networks. Some would argue this violates the users rights to privacy but in the end if you subscribe to these services you sign over your privacy rights when you purchase the service. With that being said it’s easy to set up the VPN so you can continue using these services without issues.

Select Per App Settings

set killswitch

Now simply unlock any services you need. I generally find the easiest way to ensure most devices function correctly is to unlock everything except for the apps that you want to use the secure connection for.

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