Use our app to login to both services! One app quickly and easily switches from one service to the next. This saves space on your device and is the “Greatest Option of All Time”. Here is a quick guide to help you setup and switch between services quick and easy.

Select the switch user icon in the top right of the home menu.

Or perhaps you use the XCIPTV and the account icon is in the bottom right.

Next select to add user and again pictured below are both our apps to help you but the add user icon is in the top right of either one here.

Or the XCIPTV will look like below.

Next you will enter the login info sent to you. Name the account anything you want to help you identify the difference in the accounts if you choose multiple services.

Or the XCIPTV will look like below.

From the Account menu you will be able to delete expired lines or lines you no longer use at anytime and add them back as needed. Refresh and enjoy!

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